Hadlee Holik
Hadlee Anne was born on November 2, 2015, and lost her battle with AT/RT at just sixteen months old. Hadlee was lovingly welcomed into the family by her older siblings who enjoyed her so much. She was a happy baby who loved to play peek-a-boo and drink her chocolate milk. She had the prettiest dark brown eyes and was nicknamed "Angel Baby" by her daddy. Her favorite place to be was home playing with her brother and sisters.
At six months old, Hadlee was diagnosed with AT/RT. She fought this horrible cancer for ten months under the Dana Farber Protocol, including 25 rounds of pinpoint radiation. She also participated in the EZH2 trial study in February 2017, all to no avail. These treatments were harsh for her little body, but she always had a strong, fighting spirit. Upon witnessing your own child suffer through the pain this cancer caused, you realize the desperate need for further funding. Thank you for visiting Hadlee's page and donating to a cause so close to our hearts. We pray we will see a cure in our lifetime.