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Ariel Marie


This is my beautiful daughter Ariel Marie.  Just before her 2nd birthday we noticed some things that just didn't seem right.  After a few doctor appointments they told me she was constipated.  I knew that was not the issue.  I immediately took her to Seattle Children's Hospital. 


The next morning she was having brain surgery and soon after we were told the worst news any parent could hear.  It was cancer.  After brain surgery they started chemo which made her extremely sick and we almost lost her. She also had radiation which we were told would be the key to fighting this monster She finally pulled through and we were told she was cancer free.


Fast forward 6 years....In July 2015 she had her normal MRI and they said all was good. Soon after that she was complaining that her ear hurt. Antibiotics were not helping at all and I took her back to the hospital and demanded another MRI.  She never left the hospital and passed away 20 days later.


It was later diagnosed as stage 4 glioblastoma caused by the radiation she had 6 years prior. I miss her everyday and love this little girl with all my heart.  She was an inspiration to many people and even made the news a few times.  She was such a sweetheart... the type who would literally take her stuffed animals to the neighbors house so they could babysit when we would leave somewhere.  Her big sister Alexis was always by her side and would do everything in her power to make her happy.  We love you Ariel⚘

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